The perfect computer for divers just starting out wanting to get more into the sport or divers seeking a easy to use computer with multi-gas functions. A great all rounder.
Featuring an easy-to-read display framed in a silver metallic frame, the Aladin Sport (Matrix) is targeted to divers who seek multi-gas functions as well as recreational divers who would like a dive computer than can keep up with their trainign as they eveolve within the sport.
The computer screen features an easy-to-read segmented display with key infomation split into 3 rows, plus an eye-pleasing matrix display on the bottom row where you'll also find a built in digital compass.
- Predictive Multi-Gas algorithm accommodates three gases 21-100% O2
- PDIS (Profile Dependent Intermediate Stops) calculates an intermediate stop based on Nitrogen loading, current and previous dives and breathing mixes for safer diving
- You can adjust the level of conservatism in the algorithm to match your experience level, age and physical conditioning
- Three Dive modes: Scuba, Freediving and Gauge
- Maximum operating depth: 120m
- Altimeter
- Digital compass, displayed on matrix bottom row
- Active back light
- Full watch functions
- Bookmark function
- Lens protection cap
- user-replaceable battery rated up to two years/300 dives
- Dive logs can be stored and analysed with a PC/Mac/Android Trak/IOS via new
- Bluetooth technology